Audio Bible stream from the video,
God's Story: From Creation To Eternity
Narration, Sound Track, and Music
audio Bible stream from Genesis to Revelation, God's Story video

  home page of audio Bible selections, from Genesis to Revelation, Christian web sitehear audio Bible from Genesis to Revelation on this Christian web siteavailable languages of God's Story video from Genesis to Revelation listed on this Christian web site comments from viewers about God's Story video from Genesis to Revelation on this Christian web sitehow to use God's Story, the audio Bible from Genesis to Revelation, seen on this Christian web siteOld Testament contents of God's Story video, from Genesis to Revelation, on this Christian web siteNew Testament contents of God's Story video, from Genesis to Revelation, on this Christian web sitehow to obtain God's Story videos, from Genesis to Revelation, on this Christian web site

God's Story  Synopsis (Plan of Salvation)

"Sein  Plan" Übersicht

Synopsis de,  (l'Histoire de Dieu)

La Historia  de Dios: (synopsis)

Resume  e "Historise se Zotit"

Istoria lui Dumnezeu-Rezumt

On this web site, select a language listed below and click to hear. After the Real Audio player comes up on your screen, you can minimize it while you listen to part or all of the 80-minute video panorama of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

Albanian, Arabic, English, French, German, Greek , Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian (Sumatra), Indonesian (Jakarta), Italian, Japanese, Kazak, Korean, Mandarin, Quechua, Russian, Spanish, Taiwanese. (Note: underlined languages can be heard on web site, the rest will follow soon.)

*Min. requirements for Real Player: Audio - Pentium computer with 16 Mb RAM; Recommended: Pentium 120 with 16 MB RAM. Please go to the Real Audio site to download Real Player G2 Beta for free. For Windows 3.1 users and others, click Real Player 5.0 for system requirements. Download Real Player 5.0 if your system is a 486 or less or you are using Windows 3.1.

It usually takes 10-30 seconds to buffer (load) in the beginning depending on your computer speed, traffic at the moment on the net, and your modem size. Also note that after the introduction on the video you will hear one-minute of music only, with no narration. This is where the video's credits are being shown. After one minute of music, the narration and sound track will play straight through, except for an occasional few seconds during play to buffer (load more audio) into your computer.

As additional language versions of God's Story are translated, we plan to add the audio portion of many to this site.

Watch for the exciting new addition of,
the visual track from God's Story video to go along with the
audio Bible narration
from Genesis to Revelation

For more information on language translation
 Contact The God's Story Project

Companion Christian Web Sites / Ministries
"The Prophets" site, by God's Story Artist Norm McGary
Mustard Seed Media, tour of the Bible
Online Christian Network audio streamers of God's Story


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Audio of God's Story Video /
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