Available World Languages

Christian Video

Spring of 1999:
God's Story: From Creation to Eternity video of the Bible could be
seen and heard in
 fourteen different world languages!

home page of Christian video in world languages
hear audio of Christian video in world languages

First To Be Finished

Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian (Sumatra), Mandarin, Quechua, Spanish and Russian. Go to the Audio of God's Story to hear the complete 80-minte video in many of these languages

Next To Be Completed
Albanian, Hebrew, *Indonesian (Jakarta) *Mongolian, Romanian, Taiwanese and Turkish

In Stages Of Progress
Afghan, Amharic, *Armenian, Chuj, *Farsi, Kanjabol, Hakka, Kazak, Wolof and 20 more languages. 

*Still need partial funding to complete.

available world languages of Christian video
comments from viewers about Christian video in world languages
how to use God's Story, Christian video in world languages
Old Testament contents of Christian video in world languages
New Testament contents of Christian video in world languages
how to obtain God's Story, Christian video in world languages

Just some of the over 50 language-group requests still waiting for translation funding:

    Awa, Azerbeijani, Belgian, Bengali, Brazilian-Portuguese, Bulgarian, Cakchiquel, Cambodian, Cantonese, Cebuano, Creole, Danish, Dari, Hungarian, Jula, Mam, Kannadu, Laotian, Lugandan, Makayakan, Mandinka, Marathi, Melanesi, Norwegian, Pashto, Pidgin, Polish, Samogho, Senefou, Siamou, Slovanian, Swahili, Tagalog, Tamil, Talke Telke, Telgu, Thai, Urdu, Uzbek, North & South Vietnamese, Yanamamo, Yoruba and Zulu

To find out how you can assist in translation of one of these languages, or to become involved in distributing the God's Story video, go to The God's Story Project website. Email us with specific questions or contact The God's Story Project by mail, phone or fax.  

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Audio of God's Story Video /  Available Languages / Viewer Comments 
How to Use God's Story
 New Testament Contents / Old Testament Contents
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