God's Story: From Creation to Eternity presentsa panorama of the Bible, Genesis to Revelationon Video—CD—Cassette—VCDHow to Purchase VideosTo order a copy of the 80-minute God's Story videoin languages we have available, please send $19.95 plus shipping & handling, along with printout of order form to address listed at the bottom of Order Form, or call our office in the USA (West Coast time)between hours of 9:00 a.m. & 8:00 p.m. at (909) 658-1619 to place a credit card order or print out order form below and fax to (909) 658-9189Click here for distributors outside the USA.
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Watch for availability of God's Story on VCD (works on DVD players). VCD is the complete video, visual, sound track, and narration. Mandarin on VCD available now on 2 discs at $29.95.
Important Information: Video machines in the USA will only play NTSC formatted tapes. Most other countries use video players that will only use PAL formatted tapes. Be sure and specify the correct format,NTSC or PAL, on all videos ordered!
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